CARLA Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition Summer 2017

The Spanish Immersion team at Green Meadow had the one in a lifetime opportunity to go to the CARLA Institute at the University of Minnesota. The Maynard Education Foundation provided a generous grant to our program in support of educational excellence in Maynard.  GRACIAS MEF! for giving us this amazing learning experience.

The CARLA Institute supports the professional development of second language teachers through and annual summer institute program and a wide array of workshops and international conferences. Our one week program was led by Tara Fortune, Ph.D. She is an immersion teaching specialist and director of the Immersion Research and Professional Development Project at CARLA. She devotes most of her professional time to the preparation and continuing education of immersion educators throughout the U.S. and abroad.

The course focused on research based introduction to the challenges, options, and issues in the unique world of immersion education (K-12). Monday and Tuesday focused on foundational principles and issues of interest to all program stakeholders. Wednesday to Friday, participants spend learning about engaging in effective practices to inform language-attentive curriculum development and instruction in immersion classrooms